13 Everyday Things You Did Not Know The Real Use For

use of Tabs On Tin Foil

Have you ever wondered while using anything in your daily life, what is the purpose of using that? Many common objects have hidden feature that make them more useful and safer. We just keep on using them, sometimes we discover the reason for particular things like yeah! Now I know why that thing is there, otherwise, we ignore the fact and kept going forward.

Let’s explore purpose of things we use in our daily life and did not knew even had a purpose:

1. Car Headrest

The main purpose of car headrest is to rest your head on it, but it has one another use which majority of us are not aware of. If your gets submerged in water you can detach the headrest and can use the metallic part against window to break it. Remember this life saving tip.

Real use of car headrest

2. Holes in earphone

Once in a blue moon we all must have wondered why there are so many holes here in a single headphone. Let’s take an example of Apple earphone, you must have noticed that it has three holes, one hole is for the speaker and why the others too? Well Apple has explained that they allow passing a small amount of air through which the diaphragm of speaker moves back and forth. It enables the frequent transmission which results in better sound quality.

Use of holes in earphones
Travel Leisure

3. Tabs on Tin Foil

Half of my life I was in the state of oblivion how come I was so blind then for every moment when tin foil used to fall or the cling wrap used to fall. If you will read the instructions carefully it will tell you on the packaging at each end there will be a triangular mark which you need to press, they actually hold your Foil in place.

4. The blue side of eraser

Since childhood, I have been fooling myself. Only god Knows how many pages I have ruined thinking this would work. Never knew that the blue part of eraser has always been for which we used to write on the wall or on any hard surface, and the red one was for which we used to write on paper. Now I know this important piece of information I will defiantly pass on this to the coming generation.

Use of Blue Side Of Eraser

5. Black hole between flash and camera

That probably hardly dragged anyone’s attention about the tiny hole between the camera and the flash. Actually, the tiny hole is a microphone which record the ambient noise, not your voice, because when we take a picture our positioning is pretty far from the mouth during that time. It digitally reduces the ambient noise from the main microphone, which gives pretty clear voice on the other side.

Black holes between Flash and Camera is for
PC World

6. Little pockets on your jeans

Still I wonder why I mean why oh! But I like the style! Well to know the reason let’s sneak into the 19th century where the gold miners or the cowboys from the west used to keep their small things like the watch. That was when the jeans were first invented.

Little pockets on your jeans is for
Florida Reporter South

7. Hole in pen caps

Well honestly I never bothered about the hole in the cap, but my friends used to make their own assumptions that hole is there for air passage to keep the pencil drying out but the real reason behind this is different. If a child accidentally swallows the cap, this hole helps in lowering the danger of suffocation as it helps to pass the air.

why is there Hole in Pen Caps

8. Cylinder on the laptop charging cord

You must have noticed the cylinder wrapped around the charging cord of your laptop. And do you why is it for? The little cylinder part is actually called ferrite bead, and plays an important role in keeping your laptop running. Every small parts inside a laptop run because of radio frequencies. The charging cable acts as antennae, broadcasting your laptop’s vibrations as radio frequencies and picking up signals which creates interference. The cylinder has chunks of magnetic iron oxide which stops the radio frequencies from interfering with each other.

Cylinder on the laptop charging cord is for

9. Bumps on the “F” and “J” keys of keyboard

If you notice a keyboard closely you will notice bumps on the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys. Do you why is it so? The bumps help you to type effortlessly without having the need to see the keys. When you place your index finger of your left hand of the ‘F’ key, you can cover ‘A’, ‘S’ and ‘D’ keys with the other three fingers. Similarly for the right hand. While thumbs of both hands rest on the space bar. This placement helps a typist to know which key is in which direction from the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys. This enables them to type without looking at the keyboard and also increase the typing speed.

Why there is Bumps on the F and J keys of keyboard

10. Loop on the back of a shirt

We have all seen the loop at the back of shirt, but probably not given it too much thought. Back in the days when there were no wardrobes, these loops were used to hang a shirt without getting wrinkles on it. But nowadays after arrival of wardrobes and lockers these loops serve like a decorative design.

Loop on the back of shirt is for

11. Holes in your converse shoes

The holes in your Converse actually have two very specific purpose. The first is to provide a little ventilation to your feet (when you are not wearing socks) as the holes allow air to circulate around. And the second purpose is for bar lacing, this allows your shoes to be tighter around your feet.

Holes in your converse shoes reason

12. Tiny hole in airplane window

The tiny holes are for two reasons. One is to compensate air pressure as when the airplane climbs to high altitude there is huge pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the plane. The hole regulates that difference. The second reason is that it prevents the windows from fogging up.

Why there is hole in airplane window

13. The connective part in chopstick

This can be seen only in disposable sticks which signifies that they are yet to be used.

The connective part in chopstick is for

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